
"How to Hire the Best Talent and Repel the Worst" - by Jeanne Heydecker

How to Hire the Best Talent and Repel the Worst

Talent acquisition is vital for every company. Without employees, a business cannot exist. Without talented employees, a business cannot grow. #1: Great Job Opening Descriptions You need to sell the opportunity and your company. Your job opening descriptions should sell the job. They are NOT job descriptions. Why would someone ...
Adding Client Lifetime Value (LTV) to Your Bottom Line - by Jeanne Heydecker

Expanding Your Market Opportunities

When determining your financing and Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy, understanding what the opportunities in your market are will impact them in a significant way. Investors want a big piece of the pie. If your market is defined as the entire US consumer market, that’s a big market. If you state you ...
"Four Ways to Build Out an Effective Board of Directors" by Jeanne Heydecker Offers Free Download on the Hierarchy of Competence is pleased to release a free downloadable PDF for anyone interested in the hierarchy of competence. Most people consider themselves above average; when you ask them how they would rate themselves as, say a driver or a parent. However, there is bell curve to the skills and logic would ...
What is 360 Marketing and Why Most Fail at It - by Jeanne Heydecker

The Value of Quality Brand Management

“Hello. My name is Jeanne and I am a brandoholic.” I have suffered from this affliction since a very young age as my grandfather used to redesign company logos for fun and send them to companies with an invoice. Sometimes they actually paid for them. I used to watch him ...
Deciphering Term Sheets - by Jeanne Heydecker

Best Practices for Strategic Communications

Many companies suffer from what I call “siloing” or the encapsulating of departments as walled gardens where none shall enter. Because no company can effectively execute on any business plan without interdepartmental dependencies, this “siloing effect” predictably kills any effective communication across the company, which in turn means poor execution ...
What to Include in Your Business Plan - by Jeanne Heydecker

What to Include in Your Business Plan

Some ventures don't need a business plan, In fact, most just need an idea and a person willing to execute on that plan. It probably doesn't require a lot of money to start and you simply begin by selling to friends, neighbors, and other who learn about your product or ...