
Five Ways to Kickstart Your Business Development Engine
Whatever your startup does, you should already have a diversified and hopefully recurring revenue plan in place. I used to work for the second largest search engine company in the world and now, they've been sold so many times, no one remembers their name anymore. I was always trying to ...

How to Make a Viral Video
Actually, there is no real way to know what will or will not go viral on social media. Many people have their recipes for making a viral video, go all in with a celebrity(ies) or influencer(s), or try anything to see what works. You can try to quantify any data ...

Four Simple Options for Hacking Your Company’s Growth
Growing your business can come through many forms. Some companies require individuals to secure leads, close deals and generate revenue for the firm. The number of people generating that revenue could be a benchmark that a company uses to identify growth. Other companies might measure number of clients. Some firms ...

Suggestions for Working with Passive Aggressive Teams
Working cross culturally can be both hilarious and incredibly frustrating. One of the best examples is the way those from Asia interact with each other and how they work with foreigners. I’m typically a hands off manager, empowering my people to do the best work they can while I remove ...

Best Practices for Managing Workers Working from Home
Since COVID-19 erupted across the world, the new normal has been work-from-home, which has not always gone well. Managing workers working from home can be quite challenging, especially for those employees who don't have dedicated spaces in which to work uninterrupted, poor internet access, or don't handle change well without ...

How to Keep Your Company from Failing – Money
Most people will say that money is typically the reason why a startup failed, but that doesn't take into consideration all the reasons why companies fail. In this series, we have discussed inexperienced teams, lack of influential connections, weak execution, and lack of vision. All these may be the cause ...