Management Consulting

Management Consulting - by Jeanne Heydecker

If you are looking at ways to expand your business, diversify, increase your product or service offering, I have the experience to assist you in achieving your business goals.

If your organization is unstable and is not driving enough revenue to make payroll, let alone grow your business, I can help there, too. For example, working with an online content developer, the only revenue the company had was club memberships which included a monthly gift box, quarterly events and password protected content on their web site. Each membership cost $7.25/month and they averaged 120 members a month. This provided $870 revenue per month. In addition, they received approximately $150 a month in Facebook Instant Articles income. The gross revenue per month was $1,020 with a burn rate of $13,000 per month. The membership sales came from calling those non-members attending small free events where we could generate 20 to 30 leads per event. The staff wanted everything to be for free and did not understand that this had to be a sustainable business.

We completely redesigned the monthly gift box, making them a keepsake of value. We recommended dramatically upgrading the brands putting product samples in the box, which was the number one complaint of members. I reorganized staffing, provided new job descriptions, training, formal processes and standard operating procedures in order to install a more professional work environment.

I presented to an investor a significantly expanded focus on public events for 5,000 attendees per event per quarter, which would enable us to expand our outbound calling from one barely half-time person to several individuals to call over 4,000+ anticipated leads per event/quarter.

Due to our presentation, proposed financial plans and employee training and mentoring, the company managed to secure a six-figure investment to assist them in reaching their next series of milestones as they grow their organization.

As with all companies, it is up to them to decide whether or not to go with my recommendations. Sometimes I’m brought in by investors to fix what’s broken or to work as a virtual CEO or COO to fix stalled or failing companies or even just a project.

Do you want someone with a new perspective to handle this type of work, so that you can focus on higher level activities? Subscribe today to learn more about building your business. Feel free to email me to learn more about how I can help you grow your business.