
iPlace India Offices designed by Jeanne Heydecker - ibuildcompanies.com


Jeanne Heydecker is an American expat living in Singapore.


She brings over 25 years of experience as an entrepreneurial marketing and technology executive. In her latest corporate position, Jeanne took the company from 129 employees to nearly 500 in four years. The company has now added sales markets in the UK and Australia. Jeanne has worked in leadership positions across sectors such as telecom, internet services, e-commerce, recruiting – most of them startups. Throughout the years, she has repeatedly opened new markets and added applications for existing products. She is a change agent who communicates effectively internally, as well as externally in both B2B and B2C campaigns.

Why ibuildcompanies?

Because that’s what I do. I love working with idea creators who need stuff done. I never wanted to own my own firm, even though many people had told me for years that I was giving away my expertise for free. As I grew more experienced and started working at an international level, I was startled by the lack of business knowledge from leaders in their industry. I realized then that I was answering more questions than asking them.

My passion is to build great teams. To me great teams are effective, responsive and productive, maximizing your profits. I have the background and experience to design anything from buildings to business cards. I write blog posts and press releases and technical manuals and sales catalogs. I have used Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop since 1990 when it was called Aldus PageMaker. I also know my way around Google’s office applications along with Microsoft Office 365/Live. I am, effectively, an affordable one-stop creative shop.

Now I also have the APAC resources and contacts to assist companies in emerging markets compete at the international level. I am also very experienced in being the person advising multinationals how to relate effectively with local teams. With 15 years in the U.S., more than a decade in India, nearly two in Myanmar, and one in Singapore, helping companies create a better culture to make more money is what I can accomplish for you. I won’t stop until I have exceeded your expectations.

Do you want to scale your company and achieve your corporate objectives? Subscribe today to learn more about building your business and receive a free PDF “Process Plan for Creating Your Own Innovation Program”. Feel free to email us to learn more about how we can help you grow your business.