March 31, 2020
ibuildcompanies Launches Online Business Courses

SINGAPORE – March 31, 2020: is proud to announce BETA versions of five new online business courses focusing on starting up a business and leadership development to improving management communication skills to help be better leaders.
“I wanted to share the information that made me the type of leader I am today. Having worked in startups at different levels of scale all my life, I have experienced both success and failure. Even failure teaches you something, and I want to provide a sense of best practices for each participant. By allowing access to participants to ask me direct questions, their unique experience may also stretch my skill set and I can also learn,” Jeanne said. She went on to add, “I recently met a young man that worked for me nearly 14 years ago, and he thanked me for his career (now a high level employee at IBM). I told him that I saw potential in him then and that it was worth my time to teach him how businesses work. He did the work, put in the hours, and he is where he is on his own. I have created these courses to give other people with potential the opportunity to live their best lives as managers, leaders and mentors.”
The courses start at $19.99 and run up to $299.00 and each participant has exclusive access to our Founder and CEO, Jeanne Heydecker, during their progress through the courses. To learn more, click here.