
Designer. Disruptor. Startup Mentor. Digital Innovator.

Templates for Helping You Develop New Business Models

Free downloadable business development planning templates for startups - ibuildcompanies.com by Jeanne Heydecker

Earlier today, we discussed our approach to developing business ideas into new business models and thought you might find it useful to see the types of documents we use to assist companies build out new business models and expand their businesses.

PLEASE NOTE: These are PDF samples of our Excel Worksheets. We would be glad to send you clean Excel worksheets for your own business development by subscribing to our emails where you can get lots of other info and free downloads, etc.

Business Planning Schedule

Business Planning Schedule Template - free download from ibuildcompanies.com by Jeanne Heydecker

We use this to organize WHO does WHAT by WHEN.

Download Your Business Planning Schedule PDF here.

Competitive Analysis Worksheet

Competitive Analysis Worksheet Template - free download from ibuildcompanies.com by Jeanne Heydecker

We use this to understand WHO ELSE is doing WHAT.

Download Your Competitor Analysis Worksheet PDF here.

SWOT Analysis Worksheet

SWOT Analysis Worksheet Template - free download from ibuildcompanies.com by Jeanne Heydecker

We use this to understand HOW we compare to EVERYONE ELSE.

Download Your SWOT Analysis Worksheet PDF here.

Marketing Plan Template

Marketing Plan Template - free download from ibuildcompanies.com by Jeanne Heydecker

We use this to plan our launch and sales promotions.

Download Your Marketing Plan PDF here.

Financial Planning Worksheet

Financial Projections Plan Template - free download from ibuildcompanies.com by Jeanne Heydecker

We use this to understand whether the venture could be profitable.

We use this three different times: once as a slow moving project, once at 2xCTC and the third as our best case scenario. It will help you understand where to invest and where to cut costs in order to maximize profits.

Download Your Financial Projections Plan PDF here.

Do you want to outsource this type of work so that you can focus on higher level activities? Subscribe today to learn more about building your business and receive a free PDF “Process Plan for Creating Your Own Innovation Program”. Feel free to email us to learn more about how we can help you grow your business.


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