Conducting Effective 1:1 Reviews Course
A 1:1 Review is a more effective performance appraisal between a manager and a valued employee. Its aim, quite simply, is to learn what makes employees want to keep working for you. Likewise, it’s designed to elicit what might make key employees want to leave. Conduct enough 1:1 interviews, and you might find that your employees are citing the same reasons for staying (or wanting to leave). This course will take you through the methodology for conducting these reviews, elicit the truth about an employee’s experience with the company, and help you forge a more in-depth relationship built on trust and empathy.
A 1:1 Review is a more effective performance appraisal between a manager and a valued employee. Its aim, quite simply, is to learn what makes employees want to keep working for you. Likewise, it’s designed to elicit what might make key employees want to leave. Conduct enough 1:1 interviews, and you might find that your employees are citing the same reasons for staying (or wanting to leave). This course will take you through the methodology for conducting these reviews, elicit the truth about an employee’s experience with the company, and help you forge a more in-depth relationship built on trust and empathy.
Sandra Cassadine –
This course gives a step by step instruction on how to conduct interviews to keep all of your valued employees happy while addressing issues for those with potential but need extra assistance (training, flex hours, etc.) in order to improve their performance. Great stuff.
Carol Russell –
I took this class because I was afraid that a couple of my best performers were thinking of leaving. Having these structured meeting let me know why they were dissatisfied and I was able to change their minds by fixing those issues for them. Thank you! You saved my company1